Do you support the creation of a proposal for the allocation of funds from the community pool for listing TERRA on Bybit

Certainly, listing Terraport on top crypto exchanges is a strategic move that can amplify Terra’s utility, boost transaction volume, and generate more burning commissions. Bybit, being a reputable exchange with a favorable listing price, could potentially catalyze significant growth for Terra. Simultaneously, focusing on roadmap implementation to attract more users and increase volume enhances our staking pool, a crucial element for sustained success. In essence, the benefits of listing outweigh potential drawbacks, positioning Terra for substantial growth.


Listing on a top exchange for Terraport can enhance liquidity, increase visibility, and attract a broader investor base, fostering trust and credibility within the crypto community. Additionally, it provides easier access for potential partnerships and collaborations, ultimately contributing to the project’s long-term success


Listing price on Bybit is 150k$

Bybit. Data valid as of June 2023

Unleashing Trading Volume: In Q1 2023 alone, our trading volume reached an astounding 2,491 billion, with futures trading accounting for a remarkable 93% of volume

Empowering User Activity: Our platform experienced impressive APP user engagement, with an average of 1.95 million Monthly Active Users (MAU).


I support a full detailed review and discussion on this topic.


As TERRA, we should choose only 1 and medium size CEX. For example Bybit or Kucoin. We must give them 2M TERRA and promise them not to be listed on any other CEX for 1 year. They should protect and support us while we bring them new customers from the Lunc,USTC,Luna community. For example, when Bybit is mentioned, Terra should come to mind, and when Terra is mentioned, Bybit should come to mind. We should market each other. Regards, Mert Hotamış (Snowbalizst)


I support the different ways to get listed before March ( if V2 features are complished)
Available, pros and cons, financial planning, etc.


Sounds a good starting!


Thanks my friend for sharing your thoughts for this is how community driven projects are supposed to work. Terraport V2 is one of the best.
Listing on Top 10 CEX or top 20 is the best marketing for now. BUILDING and LISTING should work hand in hand. That said, I am in favor of all well-developed strategies that can promote listings, and we need a dedicated department for listing and marketing to help us step by step with good informations.
Let’s keep in mind that those who are doing their best to sabotage this great project are more afraid of a potential listing. Listing means exposure, new investors and volume.


First of all, thank you for opening the issue. Cex listing is an important issue. However, I think dealing with too many Cex could be detrimental. Therefore, as you say, if an agreement is to be reached with Bybit, it would be positive to have mutual commitments. For example, not being listed on another stock exchange for at least 6 months. Various negotiations can be made regarding the price or conditions may be requested. First of all, we need to brainstorm the advantages and disadvantages of our listing. For example, it is advantageous to be listed on CEX. After a certain price movement, people may come to stake the Terra token on Dex. This will be both recognition and advertising for us. Since it will only be sold through Bybit, Lunc and Utc communities who want to buy Terra and trade via CEX come to Bybit. In short, if we are going to list on CEX, it would be better to list on a CEX for now. Bybit is known as a reliable exchange, and it would be a win-win relationship, which is a good thing.
I would like to hear everyone’s opinions. Stay healthy.


Hello! I’ve been reading the chat about getting listed on a big exchange. Here are my thoughts:

  1. I think it’s too early and it would be cool if we can add v2 full functionality to the dex before any listing so we can take advantage not only in price of the listing boom, but also on volume in the dex (people will use those tokens here creating wealth for Terraport treasury).

  2. I started my crypto engagement using binance, but over the years I left it. Now I exclusively trade lunc in kucoin and I am liking it. Kucoin have a validator, so does binance, am I right? Maybe that bond with terra classic community could be a door opener and even getting a discount? IDK, but worth the try. I don’t use or ever used bybit so I can’t speak about how good or bad is it as a customer.

3.Don’t forget we are a DEX ourselves, so we should be concerned about geting listed and equally concerned about atracting proyects to get listed on us! That’s the whole point of this project, not making a boom bcause getting listed but being the “place to be” for all new projects inside our chain. Our goal should be to become a little Binance inside lunc, but descentralized. We have still not proved that we can list other tokens than lunc and stables and how it works for the client that launched on us… how can be sure that we are a successful bussiness?

4.Rushing things cost us too much already in the past, launching the DEX before it was ready. I hope we got some kind of lesson and try to walk before we run and run before we fly.

5.Big markets could be ruthless. If some big bags dump on Terraport, we should be prepared to survive. Big markets don’t move by emotions but bussiness and profitable oportunities.

6.We need to understand that a bussiness have to be prepared to be opened to wider public. We should be building to be stable, trusted, get the AA from Certik, get people talking about how good are we doing things, making de brand stand for its achievements and showing that the bussiness is being successful so it atracts more investors and justify launching in big exchange.

7.With the ammount of terra that we need to sell to pay the listing, probably the price will dump hell of a lot, and investors will sell too prior the dump, making it bigger. We should first get demand on Terra and make a plan to sell partially in slots that allows the community to get an average price that is higher than if we just sell all at once. We are smarter than this and we can wait and do it properly without scaring new investors.
For example: wait for next buy/burn and then sell to the treasury, neutralizing the spike up and at the same time not dumping, geting the money with no hard price movement. If it’s not enough, repeat for several weeks till we get the ammount we need. Plan, not rush.

The tree shouldn’t block us the forest.


I am also excited to see terraport grow. I am not convinced at this stage it’s a good move to list our token on an exchange.

Terra is not a coin like lunc its a token that gives people voting right’s. Each governance vote currently takes into each users total count of tokens and that weight is applied to the vote.

If we open the token right now today for example and a large whale gobbles up a huge bag their vote will quickly outweigh lots of smaller users.

My opinion we should wait build more value add more trading pairs organically build the value of the coin. We want people to pay a fair price to a peice of our project.


Dear Blkrose,
Ar the moment, The token is right now open and people is selling. Price is dumping strong. I wish a large or some large whales are coming and trusting our project. Would be fantastic!
I think would be better for us if large whales buy Terra now than when Terra is 0,01 or 0,00x.

Of course, Listing and Building ( new pairs, Launchpad…) are hand by hand.

Best !

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100% Supported.

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Full support to CEX listing and even funding the listing cost!!
Strongly oppose any promise to any CEX not to list on any other platform, for two critical reasons:

  1. This will inhibit the fast growth by crippling open options. Once TERRA listed, the expected returns will be more than satisfactory given how big LUNC-community is and how huge the Crypto-world! Afterwards, it should be much easier listing on ther platforms - Even paying 500k to Binance … just imagine how high TERRA could go.
  2. Even if we promised not to list, this is a moot point, because any platform can buy TERRA off DEX and list on their own initiative!
    My vote goes to funding the listing cost on any small/medium CEX and we can go from there!!
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this is a great idea!! I will 100% support this after V2 launch before then it is too early. it is important to plan this entire process out before then, have a whole plan in place before we go ahead with listing after we add the incredible utility coming.

I am fully in support of listing on CEX because it will bring more visibility and new buyers to the chain

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Listing $terra in a cex has good things and bad things. If you are in love with this project and it prevents you from analyzing possible risks, pay someone to do it for you. It’s cheaper than listing it on a cex and you will find vulnerabilities that can be fatal to the price of $terra.