Hello Terraport community!
Yes, this is the first proposal ever to be discussed, the first before terraport v2 starts and it will probably be the first proposal that will be put into governance!
I would love for the whole community to participate and each say their own opinion!
Let’s start with the base, GOVERNANCE.
Before we begin, I’ll quote you the Governance excerpt from the Whitepeaper to get clear ideas to everyone.
I remember that thanks to GOVERNANCE, TERRAPORT will be in the hands of EACH OF US, it is up to US and only thanks to US to carry out this project, and “fortunately” we have as an example “Luna Classic”, where the same mistakes should not be made. The whitepeaper extract below:
From the above, it is not clear how much the ‘Initial Deposit’ will be to create a new proposal, which is why I am opening this discussion.
For me, the ‘Initial Deposit’ should be an exact figure of $100 equivalent in xTERRA at the exchange rate at the exact time of proposal creation, whatever type of proposal it is.
This figure should be accessible to all portfolios interested in the future of Terraport and $TERRA, keeping away more than half of the scam proposals (welcome scam proposals, you are not a huge problem, with this $100 threshold you would create less chaos, but with the “no with veto” you help us fill the treasury).
What do you think?
What could be added?
The future is in the hands of all of us!
P.S.: this is my very first ever proposal, don’t attack me if I haven’t been very detailed, I’ll try to learn more. I apologise in advance if I wasn’t very good at writing in English, I speak another language.