Initial deposit for new proposal

Hello Terraport community! :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes, this is the first proposal ever to be discussed, the first before terraport v2 starts and it will probably be the first proposal that will be put into governance!
I would love for the whole community to participate and each say their own opinion!

Let’s start with the base, GOVERNANCE.

Before we begin, I’ll quote you the Governance excerpt from the Whitepeaper to get clear ideas to everyone.
I remember that thanks to GOVERNANCE, TERRAPORT will be in the hands of EACH OF US, it is up to US and only thanks to US to carry out this project, and “fortunately” we have as an example “Luna Classic”, where the same mistakes should not be made. The whitepeaper extract below:

From the above, it is not clear how much the ‘Initial Deposit’ will be to create a new proposal, which is why I am opening this discussion.

For me, the ‘Initial Deposit’ should be an exact figure of $100 equivalent in xTERRA at the exchange rate at the exact time of proposal creation, whatever type of proposal it is.

This figure should be accessible to all portfolios interested in the future of Terraport and $TERRA, keeping away more than half of the scam proposals (welcome scam proposals, you are not a huge problem, with this $100 threshold you would create less chaos, but with the “no with veto” you help us fill the treasury).

What do you think?
What could be added?
The future is in the hands of all of us!

P.S.: this is my very first ever proposal, don’t attack me if I haven’t been very detailed, I’ll try to learn more. I apologise in advance if I wasn’t very good at writing in English, I speak another language.


For me the initial deposit to make a new proposal must be an amount equal to or greater than the TERRA equivalent of $1000 in order to avoid so many useless and above all SCAM proposals.


I think it is a good start, since $100 is really significant, almost double than the lunc you need to proposal at Luna Classic, yet it’s something that compromised people will manage to pay in order to make this a better project.

Though it could be still much, maybe some escalable aproach would be nice to apply. Start at $60 and rise it to 100 if we see scam proposals. Difference with lunc governance is that there are plenty of thos scam proposals that are never vetoed. Here we wont let them ever pass through.

$1000 would make it really impossible for so many people to participate with ideas and proposals tha could be really worthy dfor the community. That ammount equals 5 months salary in my country.

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100$ is good for initial deposit for new proposal.
This gives the chance to many to fully participate in the governance of Terraport while reducing the number of spams/scams proposals as well.


This is a good initiative and I am happy to be part of the first proposal in the governance set up. I wish to lend my support to the proposal that a fee of $100 will be adequate as a deposit for proposals.

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I completely agree with said amount for initial deposit :muscle:

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Not bad… I second this too…

For me $500 Terra!


Hi Caesar the initiative is laudable but in my opinion the amount needs to be a little higher for a number of conditions that should occur:
Minimum amount may result in proposals that even though they have a very good incentive vision would see the Community taken by indefinitely long votes and perhaps then not accepted and ascertained;
The vision of a shared proposal and therefore also with a minimum deposit of at least 300/500 euro while being in principle out of “reach” would help a discussion in advance so it would also disincebtivate possible scamm or perhaps not very feasible.
I respect your view but in my opinion we should take it to between 300/500 euro obviously opening up a wider discussion and sharing in the right way.
Thanks for the post
Best regards

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Hi TCV Community! :slightly_smiling_face:
It’s really nice to see how interesting this discussion was! :star_struck:

I have read all your opinions and every opinion has its reason.

As for the scam proposals with the threshold of $ 100, I remind you that by voting “no with veto” (I remind you that the vote is in the interest of any deterrent of $ TERRA, as well as investor in this project vote) the $ 100 will go to fill ours in the Treasury, which is not bad!

I remind you that the 100$ parameter that I proposed is not forever, if with time we all see that there will be problems with the “scam” proposals, there are no problems, a new proposal will be made with the highest minimum deposit value!

I also read @Pablo comment, if the governance will be based on or similar to Luna Classic, anyone can help you reach the minimum threshold of $100.
In the event that there is no such possibility (I hope so), a separate proposal will be made for this type of problem.

Finally, I thank you all for the discussion, I look forward to more suggestions/changes/clarifications/critics from all of you! :smile:

I look forward to it! :open_book:



In my opinion, a fairer thing could be €250 so as not to be too little or too much and perhaps initially even make proposals of “little weight”…then once the dex is well underway it could be increased

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If we want to reject scam proposal , I believe is better to increase til 250€.


Hi Caesar, for me $100 would initially be ideal since we are at the start and the more ideas there are the better, but at a later time when the past ideas are developed it would be appropriate to increase to make the governance platform more “secure” and less spammy . A thousand thanks

I would prefer at least $300

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I think to increase the value to at least 250$. We will avoid some scam that could reach with just 100$.

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250$ is good for initial deposit for new proposal.

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Yes 100$ is fine

Thanks to Cesare for opening this discussion. And to all those who participate in the #TerraPort Forum.

At first glance, talking about $50/100, or any other proposed price, as a deposit to open a (Governance) proposal might seem like a lot and few depending on your point of view

But if we put them in the context of the value and numbers of #TERRA Tokens that can be purchased, there are many simply because the price in $Dollars is fixed and the numerical equivalent in #TERRA is variable and we will find ourselves asking for a deposit of 2k/3k/4k/5k in numbers of Assets (TERRA) and for those who are Investors Above All who have lost the Presale / It is more natural to use them in Pool / Trading / or Staking Power

and Wait Time for the Price of #TERRA rises towards $1 in order to use the least number of assets possible

(that guy who pays 10,000 #btc for pizzas when they were worth $30 comes to mind)

In essence, a solution would be an increaseable XX$ price so that the number of tokens (#TERRA) is never too high, so that Users do not prefer to make other use of it and participate actively by depositing proposals to contribute to the development of the community.

If we want to put barriers to the proposals, meaningless scams must be at least discussed in addition to the price of the deposit. prohibit proposals that are barely mentioned and put to the vote immediately in the evening.

P.S.: I apologize in advance if I am not good at writing in English, I speak another language.

Thanks to Cesare for opening this discussion. And to all those who participate in the #TerraPort Forum.

At first glance, talking about $50/100, or any other proposed price, as a deposit to open a (Governance) proposal might seem like a lot and few depending on your point of view

But if we put them in the context of the value and numbers of #TERRA Tokens that can be purchased, there are many simply because the price in $Dollars is fixed and the numerical equivalent in #TERRA is variable and we will find ourselves asking for a deposit of 2k/3k/4k/5k in numbers of Assets (TERRA) and for those who are Investors Above All who have lost the Presale / It is more natural to use them in Pool / Trading / or Staking Power

and Wait Time for the Price of #TERRA rises towards $1 in order to use the least number of assets possible

(that guy who pays 10,000 #btc for pizzas when they were worth $30 comes to mind)

In essence, a solution would be an increaseable XX$ price so that the number of tokens (#TERRA) is never too high, so that Users do not prefer to make other use of it and participate actively by depositing proposals to contribute to the development of the community.

If we want to put barriers to the proposals, meaningless scams must be at least discussed in addition to the price of the deposit. prohibit proposals that are barely mentioned and put to the vote immediately in the evening.

P.S.: I apologize in advance if I am not good at writing in English, I speak another language.

100$ is good for initial deposit for new proposal.