Terraport Liquidity alliance BLUNA and AMPLUNA


Terraport is the prime product of the LUNC community, and we would really love to see it succeed. As we heard previously, BLUNC contracts are in their final phase of audit. BLUNC liquid staking widespread around the cosmos will mark the success of its adoption and Terraport.

We Want BLUNC to be widespread around the cosmos massively that have never seen before. It can quickly happen with LUNA alliance module. AmpLUNA and BLUNA Alliance
With LUNA inflation on BLUNA contract will result in more than 200% APY. And some BLUNA inflation on AMPLUNA will result in a high probability of making an alliance with LUNA.

Without a doubt We need to form alliances with many chains, so we can attract TVL and volume. Once TVL and volume come to LUNC, many Cosmos products/applications will start to support LUNC.

More products/application = More volume = Burn

LUNC does not have much of Cosmos liquidity on its chain for 2 years, which makes it difficult for other’ chains’ products/applications to support LUNC.

Alliance Module will solve much of LUNC issues of TVL and volume. It will bring huge influx of communities through other chains.

AMPLUNA and the BLUNC alliance will help TVL to skyrocket. Staking APY will increase by minimum 200%, volume will start to quadruple and many communities from other chains will join LUNC.Massive arbitrage opportunities will be created.

Once alliance is formed more chains will start to join LUNC alliance and start to support LUNC through their ecosystem

Reward Weight: 0.5%
Take rate: 0.5%

BLUNC widespread adoption , usage and volume will be greatly beneficial to Terraport and $TERRA Holders.